James Yorston


10 years in technology most recently as Director of Engineering, VC at Carta

I've got a background in a number of sectors including FinTech, E-Commerce and Academic Research.

LinkedIn, X, GitHub

💻 Open Source

📚 Reading List

About Me


Hey, I’m James 👋

I have worked in technology for 10 years. My educational background is in Computer Science; I hold a First Class degree from the University of Kent, Rutherford College. I’ve typically stuck to startups as I value the high-impact work and rapid progression. In that time, I’ve been a part of two acquisitions and massive growth.

I position myself and my skill set as a business-focused engineer. I remain technical and still code, albeit less frequently now. My roles recently have transitioned more into technical leadership and management; I’ve built and grown tech teams at well-funded startups and ensured we reached fundraising and business milestones. In those nine years, I’m proud to say I’ve helped raise tens of millions for the businesses I’ve been a part of.

I have a wealth of experience across the stack and still consider myself very much a full-stack engineer at heart. I have a polyglot mindset and typically will use the best tool for the job. As a result, I’ve used many languages and frameworks throughout my career. I love to look at the challenge a company faces, not simply which language it has decided to use.


A collection of thoughts I’ve written down on the topics of Computer Science, Software Engineering and Startups


You can view an up to date copy of my CV here.

You can also read a little bit more about some of my wider industry work.

I am always contactable at info@jamesyorston.co.uk